Monday 8 August 2016

Paddling Days

We had several very big days at Honeydale.  We planted a lot of trees and vegetables in addition to cutting down and mulching a Bougainvillea that was threatening our shade house.  So we decided it was time to go for a paddle on Lake Wivenhoe.

Lake Wivenhoe from Captain Logan's Landing
It was a wonderfully day, clear skies and no wind, warm but not hot. We loaded the kayaks onto the ute and headed off.  We were expecting the launch point to be busy but we had the place to ourselves apart from the Ranger who was busy with a line trimmer tidying up the lawns.

Paddling Action

We started off by paddling across the inlet, were we were startled by a large fish breaching near us.  We paddled by a large flock of pelicans then headed back across the lake towards the camp ground and back to the launch point via the opposite side of the inlet.  It was a very pleasant morning’s paddle.
The track we paddled

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