Sunday 28 August 2016

A garden update

There have been a number of noticeable changes in the garden.

We have finally completed tidying up the shade house, including installing a trickle irrigation system.

Three out of the four available rows are now planted out with a variety of vegetables including beans, carrots, peas, lettuce, rocket, strawberries and a selection of herbs.

Meanwhile the main garden has been progressing well, the rhubarb is almost ready for its first picking.   Our shallots are rapidly growing, however they are not expected to be ready for harvest until around christmas.

Compare the photos in this entry against the 31 July 2016 blog.

Photos by Roger and Jenny

Sunday on Lake Wivenhoe

 Last Sunday we loaded the kayaks onto the ute and went to Lake Wivenhoe, it was a cool crisp morning with a gentle northerly wind.  Not quite ideal conditions as the wind made the water a little choppy but not enough to spoil the day.

We headed across the inlet at Logan’s Landing and keep heading north passing a steep portion of the lake shoreline crowned by some large trees.  Some of the trees were lacking leaves but birds took up the space.  Almost something one would see in a horror movie.

Undeterred we continued and after 3 km we decided to turn and made a more direct route to the launch point, passing two pelicans resting on the shore line.

In all we paddled 5.3 km in a few minutes over the hour.

Jen and Rog


Saturday 20 August 2016

Our First Ride on the Rail Trail

The Brisbane Valley Rail trail is on our rear (southern) boundary.  This week we brought some touring bikes and 29’ner single speed mountain bikes to the farm.  It was a fresh Sunday morning and during breakfast we found that we were short on milk so we decided to ride into Coominya rather then go for a paddle.

Unfortunately Jenny’s 29’ner needs a new tyre so she had to use her 700 touring bike.  Roger took his single speed GT Peace and we went up the track on the western boundary.  This was an epic ride due to the condition of the track so it was with some relief when we reached the road reserve and the rail trail.

The trail from Honeydale to Coominya is a series of false flats with the occasional barrier to stop vehicles from using the rail trail.  The only significant challenge is the creek crossing just outside Coominya.

We brought a bottle of milk and started our return trip, pausing to take a few photos.  A rider passed us while we were taking photos but Roger soon caught him and went around him.  Just before the turn off the rail trail to Honeydale several groups of riders passed going to Coominya, the trail seemed to be busy.

Jen and Rog


Progress on the Clean up

We had a big week, the surveyors came and did their work and confirmed that the boundary pegs are in the right place.  More importantly they surveyed the house and existing shed areas so we have a set of contours to start on the house design.  As all water has to be harvested we need to know the falls to allow for an efficient design.  We also need the same information for the drainage and sewerage design.

Saturday was a big day. Finally we were able to get a measure of the depth of the bore. Now we can determine what type of bore pump to design.  Then, we followed up with a chainsaw and hauling campaign on the western side of the drive.  There were a number of dead trees that had fallen across the fence making the area look untidy.  These we cut up and hauled away to fill in a wash away.  The small tractor was also put to use to fill in a number of holes.

At the end of the day we were exhausted and fell asleep before the Rugby Union Test Match Telecast.  Unfortunately the Wallabies we flogged by the All Blacks.

Jen and Rog
