Sunday 31 July 2016

Of Rhubarb and Shallots

During our weeks absence we returned and found that both our rhubarb crowns had developed leaf buds and all our shallots, except two, had sprouted.  All five of our asparagus crowns had shoots so next year we may enjoy a fresh, white asparagus dinner.
Our first rhubarb Leaf - Look carefully

Asparagus Shoots

During our trip down south we managed to acquire five raspberry canes and five blackberry canes.  We also brought back a replacement asparagus crown to replace the one that we thought would not take.  However, it did so we now have six asparagus crowns.  As the place where we planned to plant the berries was not ready we put the berry canes into large pots filled with potting mix as a temporary measure.

Shade house before Jenny started
After Jenny cleaned up the shade house
We planted the sixth asparagus crown and Jenny started to clean up the shade house while Roger pruned the trees that put the garden into shade.  After the shade house was cleaned up we prepared a garden bed and planted some carrot seeds.  The next day we planted peas, spinach and rocket in the prepared garden bed.  There are still at least three more garden beds, where we plan to put strawberries.

Soon our tractor will be delivered so gardening will start in earnest after we rip and till the garden beds.  We have placed ten large bags of horse manure on the garden, ready for tilling in.   We have a large stock of mulch ready for our garden, and hopefully, fresh compost.

Photos by Roger and Jenny

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