Saturday 16 July 2016

A Wet Weekend

The weekend started with a lot of promise, including Ferndale Bakery’s Apple and Berry Slice.  Despite the early morning drizzle several of the local wallabies stopped by and this time we were able to take some photos and one was in focus!

After our now traditional winter breakfast of porridge we got started cleaning up the northwest quadrant.  The weeds that were cut down with the brush cutter were collected and Jenny started piling the larger sticks into heaps.  While Roger got the chainsaw out and started cutting out the larger weeds, stunted trees and deadfalls.

After a few hours we had collected a fair size pile of cuttings.  The dead sticks were put in to the teddy tractor and dumped into a wash-a-way.  The dead wood and leaves slows the water flow causing the sand to drop out but the water continues to flow.  However, we still had a large quantity of fresh cuttings to dispose of.  Out came the wood chipper and over the course of a couple of hours the cuttings were turned into chips that can be used for organic mulch or allowed to compost.  Both the mulch and the compost will be used on our garden.

Around noon, the temperature dropped and the sky darkened. With rain starting to fall we quickly parked up the Teddy tractor and wood chippper.  All too soon a little light rain turned into a steady downpour, which continued well into the night. The rain not only filled our tanks, it gave us a perfect excuse to rest and relax.

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