Saturday 29 September 2018

Rain ..... Its good for the Garden

Pitter patter, drip, drip drip…. The welcome sound of rain on the roof of the tin shed.  The usual Winter long dry spell now appears to be broken! 

A few days earlier, we had enjoyed the briefly flashy splendour of a fast-moving thunderstorm. But there was really nothing in it.  Just a half-hearted attempt by the weather gods to get us excited over the prospect of rain.

But this is Queensland and the start of the storm season, so we knew that rain would soon be upon us.  And today it has arrived!  A day long steady stream of ground soaking rain, in dispersed with the occasional heavy downpours.

In the morning we scampered out to the orchard to quickly plant a new fig tree. There was no need to use a watering can, the rain soon watered it in.  However, whilst the garden will benefit from the rain, not all creatures are welcoming the weather.

This soaked Koala and her joey, do not seem as impressed as we are!

Jen and Rog

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