Friday 8 December 2017

A typical Summers Day

The birds wake early now Summer is here.  At first light the Whipbirds start a rousing chorus which encourages more birds to join in.  By five am the bush is ringing with bird song, signalling its time to get up.

The morning skies are usually a big deep blue and whilst early, the air is still cool. This is a pleasant time for strolling or running around the block, going for a bike ride or a paddle on Lake Wivenhoe.  

As the day heats up the cicadas start to hum, adding to the Summer song of the bush.  By mid morning, we can usually find a sleepy Koala settled into a comfortable tree for the day, or have noisy Rosellas and wattle birds flying around the flowering gum trees.  We also enjoy the company of a pair of King Parrots watching over the garden.

The afternoons bring a pleasant cooling breeze and wallabies come into the shade to nibble on the soft grass surrounding our fruit trees.

As it is QLD storm season, often a thunderstorm rolls over, ending the day with an impressive light show.

Jen and Rog

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