Friday 8 December 2017

A promise of things to come

Since owning HoneyDale we have planted out an orchard, by adding to some existing trees.

In our first six months we put in lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, pomegranate, custard apple, fig, mango, avocado, coffee and a plum trees.  As well as adding strawberries and raspberry canes.

Having nurtured these plants, we are now enjoying beautiful sweet strawberries and the odd raspberry or two.

Our citrus fruit trees all have some fruit on them.  The old mango tree and young plum tree have the promise of sweet fruit to come.

Nothing beats home grown!

Jen and Rog

A typical Summers Day

The birds wake early now Summer is here.  At first light the Whipbirds start a rousing chorus which encourages more birds to join in.  By five am the bush is ringing with bird song, signalling its time to get up.

The morning skies are usually a big deep blue and whilst early, the air is still cool. This is a pleasant time for strolling or running around the block, going for a bike ride or a paddle on Lake Wivenhoe.  

As the day heats up the cicadas start to hum, adding to the Summer song of the bush.  By mid morning, we can usually find a sleepy Koala settled into a comfortable tree for the day, or have noisy Rosellas and wattle birds flying around the flowering gum trees.  We also enjoy the company of a pair of King Parrots watching over the garden.

The afternoons bring a pleasant cooling breeze and wallabies come into the shade to nibble on the soft grass surrounding our fruit trees.

As it is QLD storm season, often a thunderstorm rolls over, ending the day with an impressive light show.

Jen and Rog