Wednesday 28 December 2016

First Planting of Garden 2

We arrived at Honeydale a few days before Christmas to the sight of several trees that had fallen during a storm the previous night.  That night we had another storm so the following morning the chainsaw and the woodchiper came out.  

Removing fallen trees was not included in the plan but it had to be done.  We returned to the main task of completing the garden fence which was duly completed.  The tractor came out and we ripped the new garden, given the boring name of “Garden 2.”  The soil pH was tested and dolomite applied as the soil was acidic.  Compost was then spread over the two garden beds that will be planted out.  The ripper was exchanged for the rotary hoe and the compost mixed in with the soil.

Two garden beds were marked out and prepared, slightly raised for better drainage and the reticulation installed.  The new reticulation valve station was completed and the reticulation for Garden 1, the original vegetable garden, was tidied up.  Having prepared the garden beds and a working reticulation system it was time to plant out the two garden beds.

Jenny watering the seeds

In Bed 2.1 we planted four different types of beans and sweet corn.  In Bed 2.4 we planted pumpkins, zucchini, melons and cucumbers.  All these plants can tolerate the heat that we expect to get in January and February.  If things go well we should be harvesting in March and April.

Beds 2.2 and 2.3 have been left fallow so the vines from the pumpkins and melons can ramble without overrunning other plants.

Jen and Rog


Photos by Roger and Jennifer Holt

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