Sunday 2 October 2016

A bit of work and then some fun

The long weekend promised to deliver warm weather, so we hit the road on Friday afternoon for HoneyDale.  Scanning the trees on our arrival we found that a young small Koala had decided to restup for the day in a tree near to the shed. 

Fast asleep until those people showed up!
 However, during the early hours of Saturday morning, the Koala decided to debunk. Obviously with our chainsawing and whipper snipping we had been making some noise.  The Koala decided to get revenge by running up and down the roof. By the time we rose on Saturday morning it was gone.

Whilst the morning was still cool, we hopped on our bikes and rode to the Lockyer Creek Bridge and back. Similar to most old timber bridges on the BVRT, the bridge can not be cycled across, instead the trail diverts down a steep bank, at the bottom stone stepping blocks provide a path to cross the water course, before climbing a twisted course to the opposite bank.  The return journey provided beautiful views across farmlands to the distant Mount Hallen.

Lockyer Creek Crossing
The rest of Saturday was all work. After watering plants, we started to clear out the unattractive exotic trees from around the shed and then fed the green trees through the mulcher.

Sunday morning we again rose early and discovered our Koala had returned. However it was not too keen to see us. It scurried down the tree, scamped across the homepad and grunted its displeasure before moving onto the neighbours property and up a nearby tree.

So many birds for such a small island
Sunday's paddle 5.5km
There was a gentle cool breeze, so we decided to head to Lake Wivenhoe for have a paddle.  There was a slight chop on the lake as we headed off to circumnavigate a small island popular with numerous bird colonies.  On the banks we saw, seagulls, ducks, pelicans (big fat ones) and waders. Away from the banks, the choppy on the open water was quiet hard at times. As we completed the lap and turned back to shore, things became slightly easier with the wind now on our side.

By the time we arrived back at HoneyDale, the day was starting to heat up toward the forecasted 30degrees. After three hours, we completed the work started on Saturday. We also discovered that the mango tree, previously hidden in the tangle of ugly trees, was now in flower and that we had another citrus and frangipani tree. Despite the hard work, we felt the satisfaction of a job well done and another task ticked off the cleanup list.

All peaceful on the BVRT
At HoneyDale, we want to ensure that life is not all work and no play. So to round off the long weekend, we took off along the rail trail for a short ride through some picturesque bush to the Cooragook Bridge which crosses the Logan Creek.

After a great weekend, some much needed rain began to fall. This signalled to us that it was time to pack the car and head back to the city.

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