Saturday 24 June 2017

First Fruit from the Orchard

Last Winter we planted out the HoneyDale orchard.  Twelve months on we are now enjoying the results of hard work - the planting, watering, fertilising and weeding of the young trees. 

Now these trees look established and bearing fruit. Since Autumn we have been watching the green fruit slowly change colour.  

First to ripen was the lemons, which proved to be very juicy. It is now a race between the Pink Grapefruit and the Mandarins, to be the next to ripen.

Juicy Lemon

Pink Grapefruit

Jen and Rog

Its hard to believe its Winter

At HoneyDale we are experiencing glorious sunny skies and warm temperatures.  The bush looks so vibrant, with many different varieties of wattle in flower. The grass is lush and green, thanks to late autumn rainfall.

There is also have a few grevilleas in flower, adding to the colour around us.

The local wildlife are also making the most of the pleasant winter conditions.  The Koalas are spending most of the time napping with the sun on their backs.  Whilst the wallabies are enjoying a feed of the soft grass, coming into nibble at the lawn in the afternoons.

Jen and Rog