Saturday 24 September 2016

Our First Koala

It has been a busy weekend, first we went to Esk to pick up our quota of "free" native trees from the council.  While there we meet with the "Land for Wildlife" representative, who advised us on how to encourage koalas to visit our property.  Unfortunately we had to put none seen on our property for the koala census.

We spent the weekend cutting up dead wood, slashing weeds and other noisy chores.  By lunch on Sunday we had enough and started cleaning up.  Roger was loading the utility with stuff to take back to Brisbane when he noticed a new termite nest in the trees.  With his glasses on, he had a second look and it was a koala dozing in a tree near the shed!

The koala had chosen the highest tree around and he was close to the top.  It must like a good view when eating gum leaves.

We hope it stays for a while then goes off and returns with its family and friends.

Jen and Rog


Raspberries and other produce

The garden has come ahead in leaps and bunds in the last few weeks due to the warmer weather, good rain and Jenny's excellent gardening skills.

Her pumpkins are growing at a rapid pace.

The beans are in flower, but the peas are getting close to flowering.

The rhubarb is close to being picked.

Not to be outdone, the custard apple tree now has leaves but the pomegranate tree is growing at a rapid pace.

Best of all all our raspberry canes have flowers!

Jen and Rog


Sunday 18 September 2016

First Veggies

This weekend we picked our first veggies, some coriander and rocket which went into a salad for our Sunday night dinner.

We also planted more tomato, eggplant, boc choy and capsicum seedlings in the main garden.  Most of our established plants are going very well.

We have plenty of room for more plants in the garden, which will be used as we have plenty more seedlings coming along in the planter box.

Jen and Rog


Plantings at Honeydale

We have been busy planting natives and a few roses at honey dale.

The orange flags show the new plantings around the shed.  These also include the orchards.

We have also had a bush turkey move in and scratches around the trees looking for treats.

Jen and Rog


Logan Creek Bridge

Last week we rode down to the abandoned Logan Creek Bridge.

The bridge deck is barricaded off so you need to descend down a tricky piece of single track then ascend the other side.

The view from the bottom shows how high the bridge is over the dry season trickle that is Logan Creek.

Jen and Rog
